Common Lease Enforcement Mistakes to Avoid as a Landlord

Common Lease Enforcement Mistakes to Avoid as a Landlord

56% of Americans admit they almost always click "agree" right away when they see terms and conditions online without reading them. Only 18% say they almost always read the terms over first.

What if you were the one making those terms and conditions? What if you were also the one enforcing them?

That's the challenge facing every landlord when it comes to lease enforcement. They have to create an agreement that holds them and their tenants accountable to rules that keep the property safe and profitable.

It's a complex task with plenty of pitfalls in a world where everyone just wants to sign the document and move on. Read on to learn about lease enforcement mistakes to avoid.

Unclear Agreements and Communication

Your lease agreement needs to be comprehensive. It should outline regulations for everything, including:

  • Lease duration
  • Rent amount, due dates, and payment methods
  • Additional fees or charges
  • Grace periods
  • Maintenance responsibilities
  • Consequences for lease violations
  • Pet policies

Keep communication open to clarify anything tenants don't understand. Review the agreement together regularly to see if anything needs to be changed. A small disagreement over the terms could turn into a court battle.

Ignoring Tenant Screening

Screen every applicant before you have them sign a lease. Check their background, including their credit, rental, and employment history.

This is a proactive way to prevent issues with lease enforcement. You can trust that they'll be financially stable enough to pay rent and won't present a danger to your property or other tenants.

Overstepping the Law

Familiarize yourself with all the landlord-tenant laws in New Jersey before starting to write your lease.

An illegal rental lease is not enforceable. It can also leave you with hefty fines and time-consuming court battles and damage your reputation.

Improper Lease Enforcement

Evictions are common in New Jersey, with 10,100 families evicted per month in 2023 alone. They're a common form of lease enforcement, but it's easy to do them illegally or rush into them.

Don't ignore violations but talk through the issue calmly. Give your tenants a written or verbal warning if they don't change their behavior.

Go through all the proper legal steps if it isn't enough. These include filing a notice, serving an eviction complaint, going to court, and getting a warrant for removal. Document everything along the way to support your case.

Not Getting Professional Help

Handling lease enforcement on your own is a losing battle, but the way to win is to call in reinforcements.

Get a full-service property manager to help you with every step. They can help you attract tenants, create comprehensive leases, stay legally compliant, and earn more rental income.

Where Can I Get Help With Leases?

It's easy to make lease enforcement mistakes such as unclear agreements, poor tenant screening, overstepping the law, and improperly enforcing the rules without professional help.

PMI Property Service has a team full of experts in the fields of real estate, property management, tax, and accounting. Our attention to detail is what truly sets us apart. Contact us to maximize your investment today.
